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FY2425 Annual CBO Compliance and Privacy Training is now available.
DPH & UCSF employees (at ZSFG) must take the Compliance & Privacy training on the City employee portal

Forget your password? Click this link to request an automated password. If you need assistance, call DPH Service Desk at (628) 206-7378 or email dph.helpdesk@sfdph.org. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.

First Time / New User Instructions: If an On-Line Event Registration System Account was created for you during an SFDPH Orientation, OR, you do not have an account, you must now ACTIVATE your account.

Please click one of the buttons below to your complete User Account information (DPH Employee or Non-DPH Users (Contractors, etc.). Then click Create My Account.

DPH EmployeesNon-DPH Users

San Francisco Department of Public Health