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Behavioral Health Services

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List of Online Classrooms

The following courses are open to DPH employees and contractors who are not required to use Halogen or eMerge.
Enter Classroom6423Documentation in DMC ODS - Assessment the Foundation for Medical Necessity6 hour video lecture recorded August 27, 2024 NOTE: The first 3 minutes of the training are missing from this video, but no major content was lost, only the introductions. Objectives: (1) Understand the purpose of BHS Managed Care Health plan. (2) Reduce amount of time spent in documentation by focusing documentation on its purpose. (3) Improve accuracy, thoroughness, and credibility of documentation. This is NOT a training on how to clearly and accurately either (a) formulate a thorough DSM differential diagnosis or (b) conduct a comprehensive psychosocial assessment.09/01/2024 - 07/01/202506/30/202530
Enter Classroom6404SO/GI 101: Practicing Cultural Humility, Collecting Information about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (for FY 2024-2025)ESTIMED TIME: 1 hour DESCRIPTION: This course is intended for all DPH staff, contractors, and community partners who collect demographic and other information about clients, research participants, and community members or residents. This course introduces procedures for collecting information about sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) and practicing cultural humility in patient and client care. After this training, staff will be able to: 1. Describe concepts and terms related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (L,G,B,T, Q) and gender-diverse patients and clients; 2. Explain why collecting sexual orientation and gender identity (SO/GI) data is important for health centers to provide better patient care and address health disparities; 3. Describe strategies for communicating effectively with L,G,B,T, Q and gender-nonconforming people on the front lines of health care; and 4. Apply tools and strategies for collecting SO/GI data in a welcoming, confidential, and culturally appropriate manner.07/01/2024 - 06/30/202506/30/2025919
Enter Classroom6403Creating a Safe and Welcoming Environment the 12N City Ordinance FY24-25Chapter 12N of the San Francisco Administrative Code requires all City departments to provide lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender sensitivity and anti-stigma training to all staff who have direct contact with youth, or whose work directly affects youth. The 12N ordinance specifies that the training must include issues faced by: LGBT youth with disabilities, LGBT youth with mental health issues, LGBT youth with HIV, Immigrant LGBT youth, LGBT youth of color, sexually abused LGBT youth, runaway and homeless LGBT, and LGBT youth from non-accepting households. After viewing the training video, services providers will be able to: Learn and identify basic terms related to LGBTQ identities; know when to use the basic terms related to LGBTQ identities; describe what it means to have a space that is safe and welcoming to LGBTQ youth (ex: include respect for diversity/gender/sexual orientation in community/house agreements); know what a preferred gender pronoun is and when to use it; know to ask for a client’s preferred gender pronouns; know best practices for providing inclusive intake forms (ex: if intake forms are asking about sexual orientation, sex, and gender identity, have more than 2 options for each, and include PGPs) Please follow instructions below. After viewing the video, go back to the on-line classroom page and click on the “12N Ordinance Post Test”. ***** Please follow instructions: 1- Click on the video “12N City Ordinance BayCat Video” 2- Wait until video downloads and watch 3- Upon completion of viewing video, go back to training page 4- Complete Quiz07/01/2024 - 06/30/202506/30/2025508
Enter Classroom6263Adult Transgender Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility: 101 ***This training is only for DPH civil service and contracted staff***This workshop is designed to educate service providers on important issues and trends affecting transgender people and their families. This workshop will address several key issues related to the health and wellness of the transgender communities. The primary goals of the workshop is to enhance the skills of service providers to provide culturally competent and welcoming services to transgender individuals and to expand the clinical knowledge and comfort level of medical, social and mental health care professionals, and frontline staff (security guards, receptionists, MD's, and therapists) in order to provide quality care to transgender individuals. *****PLEASE TAKE BOTH TESTS, ONE IN THE PRESENTATION AND THEN GO BACK TO THE POST TEST LINK FOR THE CERTIFICATE****01/01/2024 - 12/31/202412/31/2024968
Enter Classroom6243Aligning San Francisco’s LPS Conservatorship Process with New Qualifications in SB 43: Focus on Conservatorship ReferralsThis DPH training is required for all psychologists and psychiatrists who may write referrals for conservatorship. It reviews the new conservatorship criteria for Grave Disability introduced by Senate Bill 43, how to assess individuals for conservatorship under the new criteria, and how to correctly complete and submit a referral for conservatorship. Recorded February 1, 2024.02/03/2024 - 12/31/202412/31/2024101
Enter Classroom6229Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) for Contracted ProvidersMany DPH employees are potentially exposed to bloodborne pathogens in the course of their work. To protect employees and comply with Cal/OSHA regulations, DPH has developed and implemented Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plans (ECPs) for all DPH employees. The BBP ECP’s include the following: Exposure Determination: Identification of employees in job classifications where tasks and procedures with potential for BBP exposure are performed Employer/Employee Compliance: Mechanisms for assuring management and employee compliance with State regulations and department policies regarding administrative, engineering, and work practice controls Hepatitis B Vaccination: Provision for Hepatitis B vaccination (HBV) series for all employees at potential risk for occupational exposure and any employees that have been potentially exposed Risk Communication: Provision of hazard information to employees through training, signage, and labeling · Post-Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up: Provision for exposed employees to access an immediate confidential medical evaluation · Investigation & Evaluation of Exposure Incidents: Determination of causes and circumstances involved with BBP exposure incidents and targeted corrective actions to prevent recurrence · Recordkeeping: Maintenance of initial and annual BBP training records, employee injury and illness and medical records, the Sharps Injury Log and other pertinent records01/18/2024 - 12/31/202412/31/20241571
Enter Classroom6228Aerosol Transmittable Disease (ATD) for Contracted Providers The Aerosol Transmissible Disease Standard is California’s first standard to safeguard workers from the spread of airborne diseases. The standard covers healthcare and related workplaces that typically treat, diagnose or house individuals who may be ill such as hospitals, clinics, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and nursing care facilities. It is designed to protect workers who are deemed at higher risk for ATD exposure than the general public because they have duties that increase their risk of exposure to Aerosol Transmissible Diseases. The standard requires the employer to develop exposure control procedures and educate employees on the policy. The goal being that the healthcare organization can respond in an organized and intelligent fashion to any situation ranging from day to day management of a potentially infectious client to emergency surges that may be brought on by a pandemic. The standard also addresses referring employers. Referring employers do not provide diagnosis, treatment, transport, housing or isolation management of infectious disease cases. They do have the potential for an occupational ATD exposure, but will refer any ATD cases and suspected cases to other facilities. The CP Division has been identified as meeting the standard of being a referring employer. To complete the course you must pass with at least 8 correct answers. 01/18/2024 - 12/31/202412/31/20241554
Enter Classroom6203San Francisco's Implementation of changes to LPS ACT (with a focus on 5150 holds) with New Qualifications in Senate Bill 43 This training provides an overview of how Senate Bill 43's changes to the definition of "Grave Disability" should be taken into consideration when writing 5150 holds. It also briefly touches on the implications for the conservatorship process. NOTE: This training is specific to involuntary holds for adults and does not touch on 5585 WIC holds.12/21/2023 - 12/31/202412/31/2024675
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We are pleased to announce that we no longer charge for CEUs.  All trainings for DPH staff are free to attend and receive CEs if desired.

San Francisco Department of Public Health